Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Week 3 day 3 February Challenge - Week 7 day 3 of Bodyrock

Oh man Wednesday was an insane day- Trey on bus-go straight to photosession- then an appointment-then to pick Trey up from school- playdate/mommydate- straight to the gym for Trey's tennis class and a quick workout for me.

but man I couldn't figure out the reps. It said to do 10 reps 5 times through. Well the first exercise- with push ups- he does one straight then pulling in one knee than the other knee- so do you count 3 as one rep? Then the squats - he did 5 - climbing over the bar in between- do they count per squat or per 5?

I was short on time and couldn't do the legs raised pushups with pulling knee in- so I just did 10 straight full pushups- and then I did the whole step over squats but counted each individual one. The workout only took me 12 minutes which was perfect for me. I am still sore today!

Plain yogurt
hard cheese

1tb butter
Plain yogurt

String beans
1tb dressing

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Week 3 day 2 - Bodyrock and 2 mi Run

I think I am going to need a new way of listed the blog post titles.

Man I did not want to work out this morning. Last week before going away I was surprised that the workouts felt less burdensome. I was looking forward to them. Well after some days off, I have fallen off the motivation bandwagon. This is when I usually give up or let things slack. This must be what separates regular exercisers from the rest of us and I want to have exercise as a part of my life!

I dragged my butt up, put on my running gear and hit the road. I was tempted to run flat, but took the hills instead. I am using the Hal Higdon Novice 15K training as a guide to get ready for my first 15k. Since when I started I had 20 weeks to the Boilermaker I am doing what my sister in law did and doing 2 weeks of each training week.

I ran 2.04 miles in 19:05

Then I came home and last thing I felt like doing was bodyrock but since I was already sweaty and Trey was already playing his itouch when I got back at 7:42 I decided to get bodyrock over with. My lovely friend Jessica sent me the link to the missing day 2 - workout- Sean's pyramid routine and I just didn't have the time, so I wrote down the 5 exercises and added straight abs with weight at the end and did that for 10/50 intervals 2x through for my 12 minute workout.

I still need that simplicity at least when I don't feel motivated. The idea that a 12 minute workout is good enough.

1. Spit Squat aka jump lunges. Still have to slow down but man I can do these better than when I started! I could barely do 5 of these-it felt like I couldn't propel my legs that way. Now I can do them - but slow down a lot about 30-40 seconds in. Didn't count.

2. Elevated pushup- pt feet up on second step hands on floor. Didn't pull in knees until second time. Did about 10 or so normal on step then moved down to normal pushups on floor for a few and then had to put knees down.

3. Low Jack squat- good but really slow down at end of 50 seconds.

4. Pushup wide hands up on step- flip over for some dips using stairs since I don't have equalizer.

5. push up- tuck jump - jump over- repeat. Notice a big improvement here with tuck jumps as well. These are similar to the jump lunges where I used to barely be able t get up off the ground. Still hard but can actually jump up. Nice to see progress.

6. Full sit up with 5 pound dumbbell over head.

Plain yogurt
cottage cheese

snap peas
1 tb butter
plain yogurt

Ground turkey
string beans
1tb dressing

Monday, February 27, 2012

Week 3 day 1 Bodyrock

Actually I did the Bodyrock February week 3 day 3 workout today. I skipped the day 1 workout which is the fit test this week because I was so discouraged on the last fit test, I figure I will do a fit test once a month instead of every couple weeks. Then I was unable to find the link to day 2 in the sidebar where I normally go to get the workouts since I started the january challenge 2 weeks in and am used to going into archives.

Today was a hard day. First day back to working after February break. I still didn't get all the emails returned that I promised to return on Monday, by the time Trey got home from school.

I let him watch tv in my studio as I finished putting together an album for a client and sent out a few invoices and emails. I get so easily distracted by sound it was pretty torturous. Anyway- we got out of the house to go to the gym late. Half way there I questioned why I was even going to the gym when I could have done the work out at home...I guess to meet my husband-but we passed eachother- he was leaving as I arrived. Just one of those days.

The workout was interesting but I couldn't seem to remember the exercises fully even though I viewed them quick right before leaving for the gym.

Overall it was a decent workout.

plain yogurt
cottage cheese

1tb butter
plain yogurt

String Beans
1 tb dressing

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bodyrock week 2 day 5 and 2mi Run

Well I am happy to report I went away and have completed my first post trip workout and run.

Normal workout schedule would have me do:
Wednesday : Sean's strength
Thursday : Lisa cross train + 2 mi run
Friday : day off
Saturday : 2 mi run
Sunday : Sean's strength

Trey and I left for a trip to see family Wednesday and returned at 11 pm Friday. I brought my sneakers just in case but we were on the go the whole time.

This is how I rearranged the schedule.
Wednesday : time crunched did 12 min cross train from old bodyrock trainer zuzanna.
Thursday : Walked at least 3-4 miles if not more in NY
Friday : day off
Saturday : day off

I was so wiped yesterday I just couldn't muster a workout and it was wicked windy and cold so that contributed to me not running. I have to admit I felt pretty lackluster about working out today too, but I knew if I didn't I would possibly jeopardize this new exercise habit so I packed my gym gear and headed to the gym with Terry and Trey who were going to Treys tennis clinic.

Today/Sunday : Lisa cross train and abs + 2 mi run in 18:26

I really liked the workout today. Scores:
1. Star jump - three point jump push up 12/13/12 first two times regular pushups
2. Legs over chair. Used dip machine at the gym. I raised my legs up and over to sides. 21/24/26
3. Pull ups using dip machine 15/20 then someone came and used machine so did 23 assisted pushups
4. Step ups holding 15 pound medicine ball onto flat bench at gym. 22/22/21

The side plank fingers to toe was wicked hard. My inner thigh of the supporting leg was in pain and I am not very flexible so couldn't bring foot too far forward. My right wrist feels a bit sore at times so I went down on elbow on that side.
Left: 19
Right: 19
Wall knee pulls: didn't count

I ran on treadmill flat at 6.5 for 2 miles. It felt challenging and at about 1.5 miles I thought oh my gosh what makes me think I could run a 15k!?

Plain yogurt
2 eggs

1tb butter
Plain yogurt

Green beans
1tb dressing

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bodyrock week 2 day 4

We had to be out of the house super early this morning so I just couldn't do the scheduled countdown workout. I dint have the time so Instead I did an oldie someone posted in the comments.

Great leg and butt workout!

Cottage cheese
Plain Greek yogurt

1 tb butter
Plain yogurt

Going out to eat will have simple alas veggie pot and protein and if they have a piece of fruit

Monday, February 20, 2012

Bodyrock February Week 2 day 3 and 2mi Run

Trey is on vacation so this morning I was able to go out for a run at 7:15. It took me 20 minutes to run 2 miles. I have so little patience when it comes to my fitness. Fundamentally I don't love pushing myself really hard and I expect to see huge leaps and gains immediately. This sort of pervades in other areas of my life. The theme in my life right now is just about showing up and doing my best, whether I "want to" or not, because I feel like there is some room for me to grow as a person by doing so. Deeper thoughts are here but I can't put them into words at this point.

I have read many places about running and yoga having this deeper impact on peoples lives on a spiritual and mental level. I am starting to see how this is almost inevitable. LOL. And this after my third run. LOL.

So, about half my run was uphill-the other half down. Twice I had to walk for about 10 seconds. A friend of mine recently wrote on her blog she did 3 miles in 26 minutes and I was so impressed and felt a bit down about my 2 miles in 20 minutes. In the past I would probably let my negativity lead me to quitting. I have been working on turning my complaints/negative thinking into gratitude and positive thinking. It feels a bit polyanna when I write it, but being in my head it is really the difference between living a happy content life and feeling cranky and irritable.

At the start of my run I was thinking...
oh gosh I should be running faster...
but I can't...
I don't want this to feel hard...
well to progress it has to feel hard right?
Ughhh I am not going to want to run if it always feels hard...
well how am I going to get to run 3 miles in 26 minutes if I don't push...

and then I decided to stop thinking and just run.
Just run.
Listen to the music and just run the best I can.

Peace for about 10 minutes

Then my nose started running and I forgot a tissue. Note to self- bring tissues.

When I got home I remembered almost 7 years ago I started training for my first 5k that after 2 months of training I ran the 5k (3.1miles) in 26 minutes. Mind you I was 7 years younger but I was also 30 pounds heavier. There is a good chance with training I will be able to get there again.

I am glad I finally got to a place of feeling positive, hopeful and encouraged- hello endorphins? - but it took me a while...20 minutes to be exact :)

When I got home I contemplated if I should do the bodyrock this morning-right after my run or should I do it at night like I have been for the past few weeks. I decided there was a chance I would feel pooped like I did last night (having Trey home from school, makes me more tired).

I am committed to doing Bodyrock above running-so if I ran already, I should do my 15 minutes of Bodyrock right away.

I felt a bit thrown by the very simple routine for some reason and had a hard time keeping count.

Week 2 day 3
50/10 - 2x through

1. Push up clean& press squat& press - 10 pound dumbell
2. Lunge and Press - left leg - 20/20 - 10 pound dumbell for 6 then 5 pound
3. Lunge and Press - right leg 20/20 - 10 pound dumb bell for 5 then 5 pound
4. Side jump- Center push up- Side jump - brutal- for some reason I had to do knee down pushups and I felt terrible about it.
5. Single arm clean and press - alternate arms - 5 pound - 26/24
6. Knee lift - don't have equalizer bars so I did leg lifts laying on floor.

Abs - 1 x through
Left leg bridge - 20
Right leg bridge-19
Over head abs with weight (10 pound) - 16

Plain Oatmeal
Cottage Cheese
Plain greek yogurt
1 apple

1 tb butter
plain greek yogurt

Grilled Chicken
1tb dressing
1 orange

Body Rock Week 2 Day 2 and Food Journal

Today was a pyramid workout where we set the timer and did each of these exercises 10 x through then 9x then 8x...down to 1x

Keg Squat Left
Keg squat Right
Sand bag Hugger
10 High Knees & 10 Mountain Climbers
Rotational Abs

It took me 52 minutes 7 seconds

It was tricky keeping count of the High Knees/Mountain Climbers
The Keg Squats were brutal but I did the jump squats each time! So proud- this was a kick butt workout.

I write my food down the night before. You will notice I eat the same things for a few days because I cook enough to last a few meals so I am not always in the kitchen cooking. My husband and son eat different things for lunch-for dinner I ofetn will add a pasta or something else like they may have pizza when I have something else.

cream of wheat
plain greek yogurt

green beans
1 tb butter
plain greek yogurt


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Body Rock -February week 2 day 1

I have been posting my workouts on my Facebook page but it feels a bit much to post it all there so I am going to post the details here of my exercise and diet and then just post a link on Facebook.

Todays workout was good- I still prefer the video to the pics and instructions but hey this is a free personal training so who am I to complain?

Lots of pushups. Do all four exercises- twice through for 50 seconds on 10 rest
2 pushups + burpee + tuck jump 7 - this round was all normal push ups - 6/6
10 high knees + 10 Mountain climbers - 3/3
2 push ups + jump over bag 2 pushups - 6/6
1 frog jump + 1 push up - 6/6


Wood chop left 16/18
Wood Chop right 18/18
Straight sit ups (dont have bar) 18/21

So much of body changes has to do with diet, I thought I would start sharing what I eat here as well.

I am very careful with my potions and don't snack in between.I have been following this way of eating for 3 years now for health reasons, and a great side effect is that I have maintained a 40 pound weight loss and my weight remains stable. I am not here to say this would work for everyone, it works for me.

plain greek yogurt

ground turkey
string beans
plain greek yogurt


Body Rock -February week 1

Will come back and update

Body Rock - January

Will come back and update