It is midnight. I really try to get to bed by 10, so I can get up early to meditate and start the day before Trey wakes up, so I can fully be there with him in the morning.
I sat here feeling guilty. As though I have somehow not done enough today. I decided to take an honest inventory, after my darling friend told me during our weekly phone date this morning that she noticed how hard she is on herself. That no matter how much she does it never feels like enough.
It was so easy to feel love for her, and to ask her to be gentler on herself. Today I feel the universe tapping me on the shoulder to pay attention to my own tendency to do this.
So I choose to change my perspective...
Today was a wonderful and productive day.
I meditated this morning.
I showed up for my weekly phone date with a friend for a half hour.
On a last minute request, our landscaper spent 2 hrs this morning talking with Terry and me about our back yard retaining walls and layout. We clarified a final layout that we all feel good about. We will be getting some extra usable yard space by eliminating huge beds that were wasted space, and a nice patio with blue stone and pea stone.
I spoke to a new client consult for 30 minutes and emailed her information.
I emailed 2 friends pictures they requested, spoke to 4 more people on the phone, replied to a handful of emails,
I did two loads of laundry, did not get to fold.
I started an online photography course today and read all the material that was posted for assignment number 1.I am excited and damn well determined to fully participate and get as much from it as possible.
I got a sneak peek edited and up on the blog.
I picked Trey up early from school at 2:00 to go to dentist. Then he had gymnastics. Then we had a baseball lesson-which was cancelled without me realizing until we had waited there for 10 minutes.
I cooked 3 dinners. We all eat different. Easier to cook 3 meals sometimes than to try to get them to eat what I eat, and what I eat is non negotiable.
I played baseball with Trey and the neighbors for an hour.
I sat with Trey and helped him with his homework.
I cleaned up the kitchen twice today.
Hey that kind of worked. I don't feel not enough. I feel a bit silly because I am really doing a bit too much. No wonder I feel so revved.
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