Just got my copy of The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are
Do you dress differently depending on how you feel?
I definitely do. When I am all business I dress more plain, and when I start tapping more into my emotions and creativity I find that I have more fun getting dressed. Today it is raining and I will be editing all day, but I woke up and put on my new favorite dress, and purple sparkles on my lids, just for me. My husband let out a chuckle when he came down to the kitchen this morning. I think the socks look better peeking out of my boots;)
I am now going to blare some music and edit away.
*I hate to shop and don't go very often. I am loving these footless tights and socks I found at H&M on a rare shopping trip I took with my friend Sam a couple weeks ago. I especially love them with my black high boots. And this has to be the most comfortable dress I have ever had. It even has pockets! My friend Cal from Hodge Podge made it! If you like beautiful comfortable clothes check out her etsy. She also has a great book for making your own clothes.