Monday, April 30, 2012

Week 16 day 1 bodyrock

Yes it has been 2 weeks since I exercised last. Trey got the flu and was sick for 10 days and 7 days in I got sick with the flu and I was sick for 10 days.


Anyway I have been having some pain in my lower back that feels like an achy pulled muscle or like my spine is out. It has made it very tempting to not work out.

I decided today that I needed to get back in the saddle and get to the gym.

Despite 2 days where I couldn't stomach veggies, I stuck to my food plan. Strangest thing is that i lost 2 pounds over the last couple weeks and feel mushy. I have a feeling doing bodyrock keeps my muscles a bit swollen and probably holding some water-which makes me feel tighter? Who knows. I do know that I feel so much better when working out.

I still really didn't want to work out today...but I did.

So i did the workout! And actually my back feels better now than before I did it. 

Strange. Def felt less strong but somewhat enjoyed it. Wasn't clear if I was doing the

 tuck explosive star properly.

Feb 8th tighten it up

Sandbag shoulder lift - used 7 pound medicine ball - 18 21 20

One leg push up jump over 10-12-10

High knees +mountain climbers 3-3-3

Tuck knees and explosive star jump 20-21-19

An bonus: star abs 18

Left oblique plank 19

Right oblique plank 20

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