Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Week 9 day 3 Bodyrock

So I had a busy day today and had to write down the exercises really quickly. I figured I would watch the exercises through quickly on my phone when I got to the gym, but when I got there my phone had run out of batteries. Oh man-pretty funny-how I interpreted the descriptions.

I was completely off with the first exercise and did straight shoulders are wicked sore the past two days so it was tough!

I did the 12 rounds straight through switching from straight pushups to push up side plank- my attempt at leg straight up to touch toe- another pushup switch sides. Totally wrong interpretation! Holy goodness. LOL

for the second round of two exercises I also did 12 intervals of 20/10
the first one was a bit simpler to figure out. I used a 10 pound medicine ball instead of the sand bag. (got 5-6 each time)

The switch lunges with kick- I didn't put hands to floor- I did standing switch lunge and then kicked. (5-6 each time)

Abs I couldn't figure out if we were supposed to do all three for three rounds for a total of 9 minutes or just each one one time through for a total of 3 minutes. I did 3 minutes total. For the reverse curls I didn't do the stand up-I don't quite have the strength to do it smoothly.

I was too sore and tired to do the weighted extra at the end. It is tough psychologically to not do all of it but it really isn't manageable for my body right now. I have to be mindful when I am sore.

You will notice I eat a lot of the same things for a few days in a row-this is because it is easier for me to cook in quantities so I can grab what I need quickly and just cook for myself a few times a week. My husband doesn't eat any vegetables or fruit and doesn't care for plain potato or rice but maybe once a week. He prefers to eat more breads and pastas.I make my son a small plate of salad veggies each night but he doesn't really care for meat or fish so he eats a lot of beans. Each night I try to make my husband and son something and then just plate up my meal. It is easy and works for me.

plain yogurt
2 eggs

plain yogurt

1tb dressing

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